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Have you ever thought of using window digital signage displays to acquire retail customers into your door and straight through to checkout?

We can certainly attest to this being a reality for many retail store owners.

We know that these store owners are doing all things possible when revamping the look and feel of their store. However, are they truly maximising the window space they have to drive sales & revenue?

Highly effective window digital signage screens could be the answer to not only competing with other physical stores but online retailers too.

But before we can get into discussing how this form of digital signage can drive foot traffic in-store to drive sales, we need to first discuss what a digital window display is.

Pexels - Pavlo Luchkovski

What are Digital Window Displays

Basically, when a retail store owner puts a digital display in their storefront window display, this is what’s known as window digital signage.

Despite the fact that the display is placed on-site and in-store, it faces outwards to acquire the attention of those who matter most - potential customers.

As the business trades on a daily basis, it helps lure these potential customers into the store by advertising products, services, sales & promotions.

However, the marketing strategy doesn’t stop there. It continues to operate whilst the store is closed ensuring round-the-clock advertising occurs.

It will continue to show images and videos of all the product lines & promotions that are currently on offer in that particular store.

Where Would You Place Digital Signage?

While this blog mostly pertains to window digital signage, we thought it would be useful to discuss some of the other places where digital content can be displayed.

Other locations include:

  • Where customers typically congregate for extended periods i.e. change room waiting room areas, checkout points, etc

  • High foot traffic areas i.e. front of store, sales & promotion areas

If a business is playing engaging content through their digital signage player, as people walk by they will almost certainly wander in to have a look.

Why has this occurred? Through the use of window display signage, the business will be able to capture this attention & interest and prompt them to enter the store through specific messages.

A business should strongly consider at what height the content is being displayed at, i.e. eye level to ensure that is as effective as possible.

What if a Business is Already Succeeding With Storefront Advertising?

That’s a good question and one that many prospective media owners and store owners ask.

Our answer is always this: because your customers expect a more engaging and immersive experience at your store.

This will ensure that you acquire them first & foremost, but also that you entice them to return to your store repeatedly.

Every retail store owner is continually competing again other retail store owners for foot traffic, sales & revenue. They need to be doing everything possible to capture their attention.

This typically looks like offering them a high-tech, immersive, and engaging shopping experience that will ensure they will remain loyal to the store and perhaps be an advocate with others.

Combining an effective signage player with digital signage displays can give a business the all-important competitive edge that they need to succeed.

Because let's face it, consumers are absolutely primed to focus on screens. Whether it be a laptop, smartphone, or tablet, they are engaged.

So it makes sense to continue that mentality with digital signage in a shopfront window to draw them in.

Freepik - evening_tao

The Time for Window Digital Signage is Now

The benefits of implementing shopfront window digital signage go well beyond creative images and videos.

Nor do the advantages finish with managing the content effectively & remotely.

Gone are the days when mannequins, merchandise stands, and static window displays are the driving force behind sales, revenue, and customer loyalty & advocacy.

They simply fall short of anything that window digital displays can offer.

Furthermore, with this form of out-of-home advertising for retailers, businesses can change up the content and deliver timely messages that tell a story and evoke action.

Imagine how much more engaging a store would be if there were a series of videos or images showcasing a brand’s new spring collection? Or if the digital screen displayed the company's latest menu? How about displaying the company’s ethical sourcing of local ingredients in their latest menu?

The opportunities are literally endless and that’s the most exciting part because digital signage has finally entered a period of content marketing where the examples above will ensure this continues.

In Summary...

Using window digital displays in addition to the in-store digital signage content that is on offer for a company’s customers, ensures an immersive and engaging shopping experience that will ensure the customers continue to shop there.

Add to part of your digital out-of-home advertising stack and watch the foot traffic continue to stream in.


Using Window Digital Signage To Drive Foot Traffic In-Store

22 August 2023 at 1:21:46 am

Using Window Digital Signage To Drive Foot Traffic In-Store
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